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Hello and welcome to my pitch:

You don't really want to recruit another housekeeping manager...particularly an older one. They think too much alike, are too comfortable with established procedures, want the boat to move on unrocked. "Get me through the day" is their mantra. That box is pretty comfortable. I know; I spent a lot of time in it. Then, one day, my new assistant director asked me a question: How did I see myself? Was I a manager, or a leader? Both have their places, and I knew after the conversation which one I wanted to be.
Leaders step up. I learned to "act as if," to stand in and represent my supervisor's interests in his absence. To serve on committees, to attend management rounds, to make decisions. Managers direct teams; leaders mentor them. I learned to take the initiative and mentor the people around me. I read the books and listened to the audio.
People ask me in job interviews what I am passionate about. I have a passion for leading the people who care for patients and their families in the ways they are most able--by providing a sanitary healing environment. My expectations are high in that regard, because anyone I know or love could be in that bed, getting that care. Those patients are our customers, and expect nothing less than our best.

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